Sunday, January 18, 2015

Yeah, I am wearing my new Spider-Man PJs ...

... over my clothes. What about it?

(Thanks Gma Ellen -- great find!!)

STILL the babble champion

This was just an excerpt of Francesca's amazing babble skills. She could out-babble us as a young toddler and she's still got it as a Kindergartener. I'm pretty sure she isn't speaking French.


At Cafe Au Play after church.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Final photo shoot before bedtime stories... night night! Bon nuit!!

So sweet, it makes your heart hurt.

Sharing the spotlight...

A stage was improvised (by Daddy, not Mommy, let the record show!)

My little guitar hero

I just can't get over it!


Sunday afternoon Project!

(Good thing we have plenty of handywipes!) :)


Totally unique, just like the boy.

This car (from Grandma Ellen's purse) has wings!

Fun with Gramdma Ellen's rubix cube... these things are still around!

So close and yet...

Mom and Blaize on a hike around the park blocks... Blaize seeking seagull buddy.