Sunday, April 26, 2015

Why did these chickens cross our road?

So they could get to the other side and go down the
street to Floyd's coffee and get a triple
extra foam breve latte from sustainably harvested,
shade grown organic espresso beans, sweetened with a dash
of locally sourced honey from humanely raised bees.

Photo and original question credit: Scott

one thing you may not know is ...

There are superheroes everywhere. There is a duck
superhero, a John Roserman superhero (formerly John
Rosman) bat superheroes, and so much more. Those
are of course over and above any superheroes you may
have actually heard of. Astronaut Man, and one more
we just saw today- Pregnant Woman superhero. Did
you know, she can can grow a whole person inside of
her while more or less going about her regular business??
That's incredible!

Just one of MANY expressive faces of Blaize. I call this, the Duck face.

Who me? Smile for the camera? NEVAH!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I know not will come as a shock, an absolute shock to hear that ...

we had not one but two injuries on this thing in less than 10 minutes. Minor and no real harm done, but no wonder they're disappearing from parks. They're so fun but I can just imagine the litigious potential...

Shadows and light and Blaize and trees and the slight chill of April in the late afternoon

Blaize says he misses Francesca already. But he's managing to have an OK time...

Blaize with ponies (in hand) and public art at Lair Hill Park

Francesca is at her first (sniff sniff) sleep over at April's house. So Blaize and I are enjoying extra mommy time.

Another day, another opportunity to be in a tree!

Francesca making a 3 dimensional "O"

for Oregon (UO) of course!!

Definitely my favorite duck, and for sure cuter than Donald.

Throwback Saturday

Miss you, Grammy.

Sweet little angel in dress up dress... almost wedding caliber, right Joy??

We got a lot of great hand-me-downs from Meadow and Luna...

meow meow Francesca kitty

Saturday morning puzzles!!