Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thanks to Shannon for the great glider chair!

...and thanks to Scott for the assembling it! It has great glide/rocking action. Hope baby F-T likes it too!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ultrasound pics

These were all taken Friday, January 2nd. Not a whole lot more detail than the last ones, but we were tickled to glimpse some details like the nose and foot. . .  They didn't capture it in a photo, but Scott and I saw her mouth open and close. Sounds pretty silly, but it was pretty cool. For those following the placenta saga: it didn't move, which makes a planned early C-section more likely. All in all, everything is great. The nurse said she weighs 3 pounds, 4 ounces. I can't believe she'll double in size before she's out of here. 

A foot

The nose