Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Francesca went to the doctor and she is growing great! She weighd 16 pounds, 5 ounces and is nearly 27 inches tall. She also has a bigger head. Not a big head of course, just bigger. And she got her shots. Daddy took her while mommy was at work. All is well.

and what's next is measuring spoons and blue elephants!

Here is a baby that is ready for what's next!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy baby and mama on a Wednesday morning! (photo by Papa) Mama worked too long at the pledge drive today to take any others!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Little Sweet Pea had a great day with daddy (or as she is wont to say, 'ditty'....) seen here waving goodnight after a meal of milk, formula,
pink medicine for ear infection, applesauce, squash and cereal... whew!

Good morning precious little yogurt face!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Monday (except that we miss G-mommy!)

Francesca is happy that her mom and dad are happy to be all moved into the new place in the Buckman neighborhood. (For Francesca, the move was a snap!) Now, for the unpacking...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Drive safely Grandmommy!


By the way, the trick to dosing is to have baby lying down, think of her like a cat and just stick the plunger farther in her mouth than you think you should then squirt it it all out at once. Follow with carrots to get the taste out. She still resisted of course, but at least she didn't scratch.

Francesca Margot said 'mommom' this morning in her morning conversation session! I knew this would be a good move!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Instant classic photo. Grandmommy and Bebe in old house which Grandmommy and mommy cleaned up one side and down the other. For 5 and a half hours, holy frijoles.

Meanwhile Daddy took bebe to urgent care because her cough came back worrisomely,though bebe did not seem worried or disturbed. However as it happens,she has an ear infection--yikes! Doctor prescribed baby antibiotics in the form of atrocious, pink bubble-gum flavored liquid twice a day for 10 days. It took Daddy, Mommy and Grandmommy to get the first dose down.

We are so grateful for everything Grandmommy has done this week. We can hardly stand to see her go.

Francesca of the boxes!

Francesca awakes early to get a jump on putting away boxes.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Power to the sleeping babies! Francesca's first night in the new house...

Francesca contemplates her bucket of toys... (Nana really scored with this bucket thing!)