Saturday, October 17, 2015

Francesca is ...

A CARACAL!!! be afraid, be very afraid. Caracals are small wild cats but they can jump 10 feet in the air and can eat antelopes, animals MUCH, much larger. Don't let their big, cute ears fool you, they are FIERCE!

A Halloween party to remember...

So many costumes!! Schnootz the cat is 19. She is, obv, Snow White.
Blaize decorated a gorgeous pumpkin.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

In the light of the moon, and food trucks....


Sweet little Ring Security boy who could not be talked into standing up


The two Flowers girls!

Daddy and the beautiful flower girl

These TWO!!!

Can you believe Zach is a sophomore I'm high school??!!

So many selfies, so little time...

Me, Austin, ZACH, Francis, and Ali!

The other flower girl, Mia.

She was so cute I wanted to eat her up.

candid before the wedding photo

A story before wedding time...

Sweet little girl and the gingerbread house

Storyland trains are cool; tasting houses.

Fun was had on the train and each kid got their own key. Wow, how special is that?! Also Francesca tasted the peppermint stick on the gingerbread house. She said it tasted like chicken. At least that's what daddy said she said. Then Blaize had to verify and replicate said taste test. He should know about tastes since he puts so many things in his mouth (still!)