Saturday, February 27, 2016

And now, back to your regularly scheduled Kids Programming ...

We love the Fred Meyer park - and this cork screw pole- Blaize is an EXPERT slider. He is such a superhero.

Jim and Catherine

Uncle Jim and cousin Catherine with Gigi in early January of this year. Maybe the last taken of her. When I visited a month later, Feb. 4-6, I took no pictures except of the pictures on her walls and fridge... She was unhappy and no longer wanted to be here so the whole picture thing didn't seem remotely appropriate. But I treasure this photo.

Ridiculous foot selfie book ends to my February Portland to Fresno trip.

Foot Selfies are a thing though (more in vogue in 2014) but you can google it, for real! :)

Grandma and Aunt Hellen, who lived to 99 years

My dad as a Bebe

Grandma, Grandpa and baby Dennis, or as I like to call him, Rainbow Frederick.... Not really. That's an inside joke, if you know it, hahaha, if you don't, buy me a Kambicha, I'll tell you sometime...

Grandpa and Grandma

This was the one Grandma had in the living room prominent, in the TV area.


This was from Gigi's 95th birthday, summer before last. Jenna organized and produced this framed gem of all the great-grandkids. In order of GGkids age, kids of Matt and Anna, Allison and Scott and Jenna and Darryl.

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Group photo

This is a sweet one with Marilyn's mom Josephine and Les and Dad's mom Alice. Uncle Bob, Alice's brother, is in the back!

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Gigi, dad and moi

This ancient but goody was in a picture collection on her desk. The picture was in Les and Marilyn's Pacific Palisades home. Summer of 1995 if my mental math serves, which it usually doesn't but in this case I think it does. 

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Pictures with captions that didn't come through before. Blog interface is imperfect!

This picture, from 2 summers ago, was all over the house. At least three places in Gigi's small apartment. It really warmed my heart, since it was a great trip and one of my favorite pictures too. The whole series is pretty good.

Gigi pictures...

Remembering Grandma Gigi Alice

This was from my dad's house...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day, beloved family!

Apropos Valentines Day! Custom red and white sauce heart pizza. love, Scott, Allison, Francesca and Blaize