Thursday, July 29, 2010

Francecsa tries to drink milk and her vitamins at the same time...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Francesca Rides with Friend Nico Until Something More Interesting Happens

Francesca Goes on Wild Ride with Big Kids at Growing Seeds

Now, this is what I call a ball.
(For commenting purposes, this is Picture #1, "The Ball.")

Hello Mommy and Grandmommy at Growing Seeds! Look at me, I'm in a see saw!!
(Picture #2, "Hi!")

Row, Row, Row our boat! (Picture #3, "Row")

My Goodness, but what a good time is to be had by all at Growing Seeds!

[Videos had technical difficulties, they may or may not be posted at a later date...]

The SHAPES book is endlessly fascinating...

Francesca does some morning reading...

Sunday, July 18, 2010