Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Archive picture from Papaw visit--Francesca couldn't wait to taste Papaw's special cheese souffle! (Not for a while, liitle one, we have a lot of bananas, avocados and greenbeans to eat first!)

Francesca demontrates her special morning yoga pose.

good morning!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Francesca Eats Solid(ish) Food!!!

Can you believe it, this little baby is growing up before our very eyes!!!

This was organic rice cereal, mixed with breast milk. Sometimes she kind of sucked on the spoon like it was a nipple, but sometimes she opened her mouth and took what could almost be described as bites!

Francesca Margot is officially sitting up!!!

baby visit at lunchtime with gray and white soccer socks

Francesca and F. Dennis on Friday...aka Papaw's new facebook profile picture!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sweetness is a Papaw with his Francesca

VIDEO: The New Burping Song :48 seconds

You may remember "The Burping Ritual" circa mid-March of 2009, when teeny tiny Francesca had to be burped after every 10 mls of pumped breast milk. 5 months later, this ritual has beget a song. This song is special to us. Lyrics by Daddy, with only slight editing by Mommy. We share it with you so you can burp along with us, as if you were here. Blessed Be. And Blessed be The Burp.

Francesca kicks back at Council Crest with Mom, Dad and Pawp

Francesca takes a quick picture of herself on the way up to Council Crest Park...

sick or well, she's still the sweetest little angel baby in the land. And same goes for her sweet angel Papaw!

Lily and Francesca at Kenton park