Monday, May 27, 2013

NW gal

Sooooo much fun is being had here!

Sweet kids with (new umbrellas from Nana?) in the rain!

I'm watching you.

This kid is a great climber...

Love bug with new hair cut

Take 2

Oh the sweetness

Thank you, Nana Brooke, for making our outing possible!

Ps the kids pretend to be the two sisters from the Totoro movie. Blaize is May; Francesca is Sostski. Blaize also just likes to wear a nightgown, like Francesca.

The sun actually came out for us!!

Our room looked out on the Columbia

Just like last year's room looked out in the Willamette.... It is a Happy anniversary.

Mommy and Daddy had a fantastic anniversary dinner/night/weekend

Look kids, we saw a rabbit on our walk after dinner!

Heading out to a fabulous Hawaiian dinner...

Aloha! Tommy O's was really quite good. Pulled pork melted in the mouth and lots of gluten-free option...

Ft. Vancouver is here.