Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Francesca danced her heart out at her ballet recital today.

This flower, these eyes, these two hands

the crystal vaseness of it all...

Pretty, pretty, pretty sweet.

Yes, you!

Beautiful rose for a beautiful performer

Princess Ballet Class Photo

Every Saturday at 10 am this year, these little ladies moved to the groove, redefining beauty, grace and self-determination.

Le Costumed Princess Ballerina

The big moment

Dancers danced, parents cried, there was order in the universe. Francesca on the far left.

Francesca backstage with Mommy just before Francesca's big Recital!!!

The Class Photo

Blaize's official Gymnastics Picture!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Afterwards, Daddy took us all out for ice cream

Mmmmm chocolate....

This balloon ride went around and around and up and down. It was the best.

So much to watch while eating a 4 dollar snow cone

It was pretty exciting.

This fire truck ride was a hit

The Funhouse mirror at the Fair

A huge rip off but hey, who's counting!

Pretty friendly but sharp tiny teeth... yikes!

cutest tiny dog ever! from next door...

End of itsy bitsy spider and Great Big Spider

Blaize and his new church friend Lucy (actual person) inspect the courtyard.

Blaize rides along with his SLM (sweet little Malificent)

So much to do and make with playdough, it's quite remarkable really.

A master playdough-player at work

Making a glitter, sticker, paper plate picture at Sunday school

Blaize's Sweet little Malificent

So we watched Sleeping Beauty last week at Molly's. Blaize has since started carrying around what he calls 'my sweet little Malificent.' (Invisible) He sometimes has me hold her and sometimes she rides in the car with us. He assures me she won't do anything bad around us, but I am still slightly uneasy with this arrangement.

Related, perhaps, Blaize told me today that his bad dreams slept on the deck last night. He went out to check on them and them came in to tell me #4 had hurt its knee on the sidewalk and could I cuddle it. I did of course, and later he gave me other bad dreams that needed cuddling for some reason or other. Then some good dreams joined in. There were 11 bad dreams and an unknown number of good dreams.

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Sweet self portrait, Sunday 6/8/14

Easy like Sunday morning, reading and lounging on the couch