Saturday, March 30, 2013

Francesca loves her class!

Another awesome class with teacher Taylor

Francesca's trampoline time at Gymnastics

Forgive the shaky camera...I was holding Blaize with one hand --trying to keep him from running away--and the phone.

Playing with Delicate Things at the Children's Gym

It was really a beautiful, delightful 6 minutes...

As is Blaize.

Francesca is an excellent gatherer.

It's really more of a gathering thing...

Aaaaand.... Hunt!

We are SO ready!

Oh the anticipation...

Waiting for the 'hunt' to begin ...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

And it's cool, I tell you what.

There's a story here

Aaaaand twist!

And twist

Francesca knows how to do the twist, oh yeah.

Such a great mommy day

At Sabin school- a new park for us!

Oh yes, there were slides

Daddy installed a new light!!

Another project: COMPLETED! Whoo hoo!!!

Awesome little house... Even better red felt curtains!

We had the whole place to ourselves today (!)


Peek-a-boo in UU Childcare!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Francesca started a new gymnastics class today!

And she did Fantastic! (Of Course!!) And she had Lots of Fun!! Mommy survived chasing Blaize in, around, across and through the gym during her class. Daddy stayed at home and played with his new Vitamix at home, an early birthday present from his mom, sisters, niece and me. Supposed to be a surprise for his actual birthday but it came in a box with 'VITAMIX' all over it, so an early present it was.