Friday, November 27, 2009

Francesca's First Black Friday

It's 8:45 a.m. The Day after Thanksgiving. The Frost Trahans are in the car and headed toward retail. Look out.


M.G. Hammon said...

OK It's recorded for all to hear: Scott would live just about anywhere so how about Sunny California which is closer to Hawaii and All the REST of the Fantastic Francesca Fan Club!

Brooke Frost said...

Too bad we didn't hear the REST of the conversation, Scott, to hear what the anywhere context was....very acute hearing on Marsha's part with a great solution. Somehow, though, I just don't see Allison or Scott giving up Portland. Too bad for all of us in the Francesca Fan Club.

Allison Frost Trahan said...

Very astute, Nana. The context was indeed a Portland area context. Good try though, Grandmommy... My apologies for the unconsidered edit.