Monday, March 1, 2010

We opened some Francesca Birthday presents early!

Cool stuff!

The doll from Tutu Ellen, which Francesca took to immediately, we named Lani, which in Hawaiian means heaven or sky, depending on the context. Francesca has taken to hugging lots of things, very sweet when it's Lani the doll or Georgia the monkey, and downright hilarious when it's, say, a dirty sock.

This outfit from GT (Grandma Tutu aka Ellen). Shirt, pink ruffled shorts and yes, legwarmers. Baby legwarmers. She wore this outfit around the house for an hour with great aplomb. Flashdance, what a feeling and Fame, I'm going to live forever, may have been heard a time or two. Goodness Gracious but we had such fun.

By the way, Francesca stood by herself for 26 seconds the other day.

Also, she can also climb up AND down the stairs. AND she can get off the bed and couch safely by turning around and letting herself down off the edge feet first. Did we mention, she is only almost one year old?!

The backside of the flashdance outfit. I call this photo, "flashback."


WAC said...

say bye-bye to the baby!

Brooke Frost said...

I love Lani!