Monday, September 12, 2011

Where's Blaize?!

Francesca played the Where's Francesca game last night in the car for
what seemed like an eon. This seems advanced fir Blaize but it could
just be the mom in me talking... Btw, we are awake this early because
weaning has begun and waking up at 5 am means actually waking up and
going into the kitchen to get a bottle and food..

1 comment:

G Mommy said...

You could have some warm water in a thermos and the formula powder ready to go in the bottle. Quick and easy with no worries about the formula suffering in quality. Feed him with you kind of propped up in your bed with head supported, cuddling, satisfying that first hunger and then gently back to sleep for both of you. You'll be awake for a bit but still in the coziness of Cuddleland. It might work!