Friday, March 8, 2013

good little devil


G Mommy said...

use the lower case letters for their first letter recognition...<3

Nana Brooke said...

Marsha, I didn't know that. Is that because there are more lower case ones in sentences than capitals? Or is it easier for some reason? Brooke

G Mommy said...

Yeah, the standard practice in primary education is that they use mostly lower case letters for initial letter recognition and the capitals will usually only appear along with their lower case partners. When they begin reading little books, etc. they are mostly going to see lower case, so it makes sense. Of course there is no stopping these Frost Trahan super duper whiz kids ...

Scott Trahan said...

For the record, the parents were cognizant of the upper/lower case issue. We do not possess the ability to print out full page lower case letters -the best we can do is a 72 font.