Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Francesca plays with daddy while awaiting an audience with the Kaiser allergist. She has some hives that she would like to know what the heck is up with...


Brooke Frost said...

Hives? Is she itching? Or just those welt looking like things. Good luck!

Allison Frost Trahan said...

No discomfort right now. She has Dermatographism. (Which appears as welts.) Which is related to the hives and probably not an allergy but might be and it might go away on its own and it might not and it might be painful or itchy at some point if it continues. To be continued. It's not serious in any case, which is a relief. For good measure we are discontinuing the use of scented wipes (we got my mistake) and new bubble bath and watching what we give her to eat.