Sunday, August 8, 2010

another day, another apple...


Brooke Frost said...

So many apples, we need the story. What kind are they? Are they good for eating or just baking? Do you sell them. Do you need recipes? Xoxo

Scott Trahan said...

Ellen guesses they are Gala. I agree they are Gala-like but probably some other sub-species. This tree yeilds about four full size garbage cans full a year. There's too much for one family. We slice up a few. Ellen has made seveal pies, cakes, and apple bread. Last night we had fried apples! However, the fecundity is overwhelming. They fall and bruise and you have to get them immediately to use them. Unfortunately, bugs and birds get to 97 percent of them before they get ripe. I sprayed one fall and that helped a little. But the bugs get to them so quick. If you have a great easy bake recipe it would be appreciated. After picking up apples all summer we get to rake leaves!