Sunday, July 6, 2014

Here is Blaize pre- gum mess.

While I was 'watching' from a distance (note to self:
never watch Blaize from a distance) he appeared to
be innocently pushing the tire swing around but in
fact he found some chewed gum on said tire swing
and popped some of it in his mouth (😱) and then
got the remainder of it all over his hands and clothes.
Saving grace: None in hair.


M.G. Hammon said...

Will probably wake up laughing off and on all night--and sighing...

Allison Frost Trahan said...

((By the way, the icon that did not come through in the text was the Munch scream)) It's a great emoji icon, which I do not use lightly, not like some people use LOL/lol....