Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Francesca plays, walks, pets and creates at Growing Seeds

A few photos taken by Growing Seeds teachers Jennifer and Jessy.

Francesca creating more masterpieces in her "studio"...

One of many Growing Seeds "walks" in the park...(she's the second toddler--right front)

Francesca engaged in some kind of art activity. She's holding a ...?

Petting Lolly the Bunny. Bunny day was a huge hit, as you might imagine. Scott got to see some of the excitement when he dropped Francesca off. She was running around, clapping her hands and possibly exclaiming in delight. (She so often exclaims in delight these days, I'm sure she must have been.)


Scott Trahan said...

Don't ask me how they got the bunny to pose for the picture!

M.G. Hammon said...

Thank you, Growing Seeds, for the great pics!

Scott Trahan said...

Photo credit goes to Jesse and Jennifer at Growing Seeds. Allison gets credit for transferring and uploading/