Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Puzzled toddler.


Grandmommy Marsha said...

She looks like she just woke up and isn't the happiest camper on the block. But she doesn't look puzzled. Not to argue with the caption queen, of course. Be it far from me. I don't think you are reading the comments very much since you went back to work so I guess I might never know why you think she looks puzzled. (Ha! I bet you thought I lost my train of thought, eh?)

Allison Frost Trahan said...

Actually I think she really was puzzled because she had asked to get down and was puzzled when I didn't respond but rather got out the camera so I could get a picture before she started running around again. I am reading comments! but maybe not quite as promptly, now that I'm back to work... xo